Saving up for a down payment can feel overwhelming. Most people have never saved up the kind of money it takes for a down payment. It can be done, though. The goal is to put 20% down on a house. This is what it takes if you don't want to have to pay … [Continue reading]
How The Title Search Works
A title search is an early warning system for buyers and lenders. It reveals flaws the owner must resolve prior to a closing or refinance request. This allows the owner to clear any issues on the title so that the process can move forward. Also, it … [Continue reading]
Creative Storage Tips When Downsizing Your Home
Downsizing at any stage of life can offer multiple benefits. Less square footage may come with a smaller price tag and usually means less space to clean. However, when downsizing a home, there's usually the question of what to do with everything. … [Continue reading]